February 4th. Two days away from my due date and I was seriously exhausted. Nathan and I met my friend Kelly and her daughter Gracie at an indoor park for the kids to blow off some energy. Kelly and I were both pregnant and due in February, and both had 2 year olds #cuzwecrazy.
When Eric got home that night, I told him I was too tired to eat dinner and went up to bed at 7pm. I woke up around 10pm...starving. I headed downstairs, made a bowl of cereal and met Eric on the couch for some Tv. After I finished eating, I noticed I was having some cramps. I blew it off as braxton hicks and went on with my night. Around 11pm I decided I should probably take a shower "in case I really am in labor". The cramping got worse during my shower. I got out and told Eric he may want to throw some stuff in a bag "in case I really am in labor". I texted with Eric's aunt Shan who happens to be a midwife at my OB office #mypersonalmidwife. I started timing my contractions and tracking them on an app I downloaded. They were about every 2-3 minutes apart, but very irregular. So I went on and tried to get some sleep. I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs. I walked around my house for a little and tried to get comfortable on the couch. Eric came down around 2am when he noticed I wasn't in bed anymore. I was close to tears and he said, I think we should go. Thankfully my father in law lives close enough and was "on- call" for when I did go into labor. We called him over around 3 am. It was a chaotic 10 minutes of last minute cleaning and organizing and sneaking in to kiss my first baby goodbye. I had been kind of nervous about when I did go into labor how emotional I may be saying goodbye to Nathan. Luckily, since it was the middle of the night I got to sneak in some sleepy cuddles with him and he didn't have to see mommy ugly cry!
The car ride to the hospital is nauseating. It's a horrible mix of excitement, anxiety, and being totally scared to death of what is about to happen.
We got to the hospital around 4am and were greeted in the lobby by Shan. She was on call overnight and had a day off the next day. It couldn't have been more perfect (for me)!
I started off at 3cm. I got admitted and we were off! I did a little walking and at around 8 am I was (very) ready for my epidural. Labor was pretty easy after that. Around 2pm I was feeling so much pressure. They checked me and I was complete. I was seriously anxious about pushing this baby out. We did a "practice push" while I was waiting for everyone to get set up. The look on everyones faces was a little shocking! They told me not to push anymore because they didn't want to the baby to come out before the NICU doctor was in the room. A couple minutes later everyone was all set up and 4 pushes later out came our brand new miracle.

Bryce Thomas our sweet, second born was born February 5th at 2:58 pm.
9 lbs 2oz and 22 inches. Full head of hair. #bestillmyheart
I honestly don't have a good story for how we came up with his name. It just fit and stuck.
Thomas is my step-dads name, who was a big influence in my life growing up.
Bryce is the perfect
It was my perfect "Birth Story" and everything went so smoothly. It was completely amazing to have Shannon there with us. She was such an amazing support system to me and was really able to focus me during labor.
When it was all over I felt such a "high". I MADE THIS! This baby making thing is totally addicting! Such a miracle. #letsdoitagain #justkidding #maybe
I love this!! So sweet how emotional you were about leaving Nathan for the last time as an only child :)