Father's Day has always been a little depressing for this girl, whose father never wanted to be a daddy. His "every other weekends" turned into "every other month" and then "every other..never". It hurts a little more now that I have kids. I prayed that when I did have a family of my own, that... It would be different. God didn't disappoint.
I have said for years.. That God gave me Eric, because I suffered for so many years.
On September 12, 2012 I watched the most incredible thing happen. My Eric...Became a Daddy.
It has been amazing seeing him with our babies. He's my partner in parenting, a midnight feeding, diaper changing, "one more tuck in", boo boo kissing, "last book daddy", SUPER DAD. He does the perfect swaddle. He plays the perfect game of catch.
He works hard and gives us his all.
He loves BIG.
and we are so lucky that he's ours.
Happy Father's Day, E! We love you so..
This is beautiful!!! Happy Father's Day to Eric!!