Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday Favorites

hellllloo Friday! Weekend! You're finally here #imissedyousomuch

Linking up with NarciErika and Andrea to share some of my favs of the week!

Daddy left extra early for work today- so we face timed him. This boy is going through a HUGE daddy phase. He's very cranky in the morning if he doesn't get to see his main man. 

Yesterday Nathan and I put together his new bed! He's been sleeping on a mattress on the floor since January when we took him out of the crib. It's worked great, but it's time for the next step and to move him to the bed!

He LOVES building/fixing things. It took me over an hour to get the first part put together, and he stayed focused and "helped" me the whole time! 

MmmK Ladies. Did we actually think a farmer could marry a city girl #withhervoice ?
I think we all knew (except Kelly) that this one wasn't gonna work. #ontothenextone #callmechris

We ordered this online at walmart based on some friend's recommendations! The best! Ive seen people set it up in their basements, too....which I plan to do at the first sign of cold weather #mamadontdocold 

A couple months ago I found this table on a yardsale sight for $60. It's heavy, great quality has a leaf! It was white, but yellowish and pretty scratched. I DIY'd it with some Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey and then White for the the base. I love how it turned out and I will eventually let my family eat at it. #maybenot #tooprettytotouch. 

On to the weekend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What's Up Wednesday!

Linking up with ShayMel and Shaeffer to share what's up with the Smialeks! 

{What We're Eating This Week}
I've started to do some of my favorite summer recipes! Summer cooking is so easy, I love it!

Sunday- Burgers on the grill
Mon- Kielbasa on the grill 
Tues- Tacos
Wed- Taco Salads  (Wednesday's we keep it easy with leftovers because I work at 7pm)
Thurs-Roasted Chicken Sausage, Potatoes and Peppers
Fri- Homemade BBQ Chicken Pizza 
Sat- "Ask Daddy"

{What I'm Reminiscing About}
We are saying "goodbye" to our old townhouse! It was just a rental and we knew we would only be there for two years- but i'm feeling sad about leaving because of all the memories we had there. I was SO ready for more space, but a lot of living happened in that house! 
Nathan learned to walk, Took his first day of school pictures on that front porch,  I told Eric I was pregnant, and we brought home our baby #2. Lots of amazing times! #insertuglycry

{What I'm Loving}
I found this cute box at Home Goods this week! It looks so cute on our built ins and I've decided that throught the year I'll throw little memory items I want to keep in there (stuff from preschool, things Nathan makes, pictures I have printed) and then at the end of the year we'll go through it and find a permanent place for the special items we want to keep! 

{What We've Been Up To}
Holy. Moving. 
I knew it was going to be tough....but I had no idea. I'll never move again. Nevah.

{What I'm Dreading}
100 degree weather. How did this happen so quickly? Did I miss spring or something?
I'm going to be pinning some good inside activities for toddlers for those afternoons when it's just way too hot!

{What I'm Excited About}
Summer! I'm so looking forward to relaxed summer weekends and getting to the beach! 

{What I'm Watching/Reading}
Bachelorette! I never miss a season!

{What I'm Listening To}
"Now if we're talking bodiesssss" That song has been living in my head all week #nowitsinyours #yourewelcome

{What I'm Wearing}
I'm reaching on this one a little....
But i've been wearing Dolce and Gabbana #3 lately- it's a great scent for summer because it's nice a light 

{What I'm Doing This Weekend}
Just our usual weekend routine! Hoping we can all get some good relaxing in because last weekend was so busy

{What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month}
Bryce has his 4 month #STOPIT doctors appointment! I secretly love taking them in to the doctor to hear what a great job he's doing growing and moving. It's like a huge "high five" moment from the doctor! #hesstillalive #goodjobmama 

My work schedule changes in June! I am going back to my once a week night shift. It's a little bitter sweet. I love that I don't have to have childcare for my boys right now- but it can be a little rough to stay up overnight. I do miss the "quiet" of night shift. I'm thinking positive that this will be the best for my family right now!

School is out in June. #sadface Nathan loves his teacher and his school friends...and mommy loves her time with just one kid! 

Fathers day! We'll be celebrating Daddy at the end of the month! 

{What's your favorite thing to grill}
I love steak on the grill! Eric handles all the grilling over here- I just prep everything and he takes care of the cooking. One of my favorite things about summer is the grilling and how much easier it makes getting dinner on the table 

{What Else Is New}
Bryce is rolling over! My baby is growing too fast. His 4 month update is coming next week! 
Here he is cheering for Uncle Brett who just graduate from Penn State! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

{Weekend Wrap Up...Memorial Day Edition}

Ohhhhhh I love a long weekend! We were so busy this weekend but here's a quick wrap up of what the Smialeks were up to!


Friday night we took the kids and met some neighbors at the end of the culdasac for some s'mores! After we put them down for bed we enjoyed the amazing weather on our deck!


It was "Soccer Saturday"! B fell asleep in the car- so I stayed in the car with him and my coffee and caught up on some blogs #thankyouB 

Saturday afternoon I snuck out during nap time and met my girlfriend Kelly for some hobby lobby shopping #helloheaven - this was my favorite find! #chalkboardeverything 

After naptime - Uncle Josh and Pap Pap came by to give Nathan his first summer buzz. In all honesty.. I'm terrified of ticks- and Nathan has been fighting his comb over lately - so this haircut will be a great thing for everyone! 

#refusingpictures #twonager 


Sunday morning we did a BIG Home Depot trip. 

And... B fell asleep 

The rest of Sunday was spent doing 8,037 projects... Like this one! Loving my new coffee bar! #pinterest


Monday was more projects!
Popsicles on the front porch where I was asked 52 questions about ants and wind. #imadeupalltheanswers #sorryteachers #whyiswindfast 

Splash fountains! 

And rounding out the long weekend with the happiest bath baby I ever did see 💙

Now off to spend the rest of the week trying to figure out what day it actually is #thelongweekendcurse 

Happy Monday Tuesday 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up: Mother's Day Edition


Friday was our last MOPs meeting of the year! I love love love.. MOPs and can't wait for it to start back up in the fall! There is something so amazing about being surrounded by a group of women who are in the same place in life. It's refreshing, encouraging and makes you realize that you will actually survive having a toddler and an infant at the same time. 
Hot coffee and delicious breakfast, I may just keep having kids just so I never have to leave MOPs. #justkidding #maybe 

Nathan made this flower pot in his class and he was so excited to give it to me when I picked him up! He also "colored Jesus"...I wish you could hear him say that phrase! Adorable.

After MOPS we headed over to the new house. We haven't moved our furniture in yet, so Nathan was loving all the open spaces to run and act like a wild man.

puffy heart. 


This Saturday was our monthly date night
Nathan goes to the church daycare and we get a couple hours to go out on a date! 
We love this program and it has been such a blessing over the last 2 years!
This month we decided that we would spend our date night at the new house fixing some paint on the walls. #soromantic 

We grabbed Chipotle and ate it standing around our kitchen island since our furniture isn't at the house yet. 


Mothers day!
I woke up Sunday morning and checked my email on my phone like I normally do. Eric had set up email accounts for both the boys and sent me these cute emails. Now I can send them both emails throughout the years and once they are old enough give them the passwords to the accounts so they can read them all. #insertuglycry #totaldaddywin

#yesIhave9351emails #noidontwanttotalkaboutit

Eric went out and got coffee and breakfast and then we took a picnic over to the new house. Nathan got to work "painting" the sliding glass door. 

Hanging out in my Mother's Day present! Love these 3 guys!

Quiet time

I am so blessed to be able to raise these boys! Being a Mommy to Nathan and Bryce has completed me and made me so incredibly happy. My days are filled to the max and its the hardest and most exhausting job i've ever had...but my heart is so full. 

Hoping my Mommy Friends had a relaxing day! 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Favorites

We made it! Another weekend is here! Linking up with AndreaNarci and  Erika at TabandErika and sharing my favorite things! 


My Grandparents are visiting from Atlanta this week! Bryce got to meet them for the first time and it was so sweet to see them together! 
Look at them looking at each other #melt
My Grandma used to be a baby Nurse and she loved getting some baby B snuggles 

My Mother's Day gift from Nathan's preschool! Love! 

So good! 

I was looking for a new BB cream last time I was at Ulta. The girl at the store recommend this one and I love it! It has good coverage, spf 35 and it doesn't feel oily. Win! 

Happy Weekend! Xo 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Bryce is 3 months!

Happy 3 Months to my littlest love! 

You are smiley and happy! You're consistently sleeping from 10pm-5am. You love sitting upright so you can be a part of the action and watch your brother run wild! We love you sweet boy! 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

Woo! What a weekend. The weather here was so amazing...70's and sunny! Our weekend was extra long feeling because Eric was off on Friday. I loved our extra family time. The work week should always be just 4 days long. #canigetanamen #amen


It's official!! We are so thrilled, we closed on our new home in Leesburg! The boys spent the day with my parents while we signed approximately one hundred thousand papers. After we finished we went for a {kid free} lunch to celebrate at a cute little bar downtown. 


Nathan had soccer and my parent's were in town and able to come see him play! It's a league for 2-3 year olds so they don't actually play a game, just do all sorts of little drills and exercises. 

          B snuggling with Grandma

I snuck away for an afternoon pedi with my friend Kelly! I hadn't gotten my toes done since Bryce was born and with the warmer temps I needed to get my toes ready for flip flop season! 

          OPI- Strawberry Margarita

When the boys woke up from nap time we headed downtown to a shop that sells Chalk paint. I have a project I'm starting.. It's my first time using chalk paint so I'll definitely be posting how it turns out! 

We grabbed some iced coffees (and a sippy) while walking around downtown 

Saturday night we grilled some steak tips on the grill and enjoyed a nice bottle of wine! In our townhouse we don't really have a deck so I am really looking forward to our deck in our new home and spending evenings outside after the boys are in bed! 


I work on Sunday evenings. So sunday mornings I spend writing my grocery list, making a meal plan and going over our scheduled for the week. This week is another busy one! 

Have a great week! Xo