Sunday, February 12, 2012

10 Weeks!


We spent the weekend in Ashburn sharing the news with both of our families and our closest friends! I think most people were surprised by our big announcement!
Lots of happy tears! Baby Smialek is so lucky to be coming into the world to such a wonderful family and group of friends! 

How far along? 10 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss? Maintaining my "pre-pregnancy" weight
Maternity clothes? My regular jeans are getting tight- but I think I have a couple more weeks!
Sleep? Had a cold last week- so tried to get as much as possible
Best moment last week? Telling our parents/ grandparents/ friends!
How I’m feeling: Still getting sick most nights- but it's manageable
Food cravings? None
Gender? Should find out in early April (8-10 more weeks!)
Labor signs? WAY too early
Belly button in/out? Innie! 
What I miss: Subway....and my 3 cups of daily coffee!
What I am looking forward to: Our next appt on Feb 28th
Milestones: Survived being pregnant and having a cold! It was rough!

Friday, February 10, 2012

9 Weeks 5 Days!

Last week Eric and I had our first doctors appointment and got to see our little cutie! It was such a special moment for us to be able to look up at the screen and see the heart flickering <3 
So....making their first appearance on the blog...BABY SMIALEK!
While we were there the doctor measured the baby and determined that my due date was not the date I originally thought (September 3rd) but actually September 9th.

Our next appointment is September 28th when we will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat with a doppler! 
This week we are FINALLY heading to Ashburn to share our news with our parents and friends. We have been waiting because we didn't want to tell anyone over the phone and this was the first time we would be able to share the news. So looking forward to telling everyone!!