Sunday, April 15, 2012

19 Weeks! and it's a......


We are thrilled to announce there will be a little blue eyed, curly haired, golf loving BOY joining our life this September! We couldn't be more excited!

Grandma and Grandpa Larson hosted an AMAZING "Gender Reveal" party so we would all find out the big announcement together. It was so wonderful to find out what we were having with so many of our friends and family! Lots of happy tears!

 Table setting
He or She!?
 Wearing BLUE and his "Future Dad" button
 A surprise guest came home just to find out if he is going to have a niece or nephew :)


A side view of our little guy! 

Next week we have our 20 week appt at the doctors office and will be getting more pictures of baby boy!

How far along? 19 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss? Maintaining my "pre-pregnancy" weight
Maternity clothes? Wearing all maternity pants- luckily my scrub pants still fit when I roll them below the belly!
Sleep? Wish I could get more!
Best moment last week? FIND OUT IT WAS A BOY!!
How I’m feeling: Great! Excited!
Food cravings? Different all the time. Today--egg salad and pickles :)
Gender? BOY!
Labor signs? WAY too early
Belly button in/out? Innie! 
What I miss: Starbucks
What I am looking forward to: 20 Week checkup on 4/26
Milestones: Baby is the size of a BANANA! Started our registry this week! So many cute things in BLUE!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

15 Weeks 3 days!

It's been a while...but I am happy to say I am now 2 weeks into the second trimester and starting to feel better! 

Baby is now the size of an avocado!

I think it's looking more like Eric at this point..

We are counting down the days until we find out if baby Smialek is a boy or girl! 
12 days until our 3D appointment! We are going to have the ultrasound tech put the gender of the baby in a sealed envelope and we are going to find out the gender on APRIL 7TH with some family and friends! I can't WAIT! 
Once we find out the gender...the fun will start! Shopping, Decorating, Naming, Oh My! 

Here is my (mom's) awesome Craigslist find! A glider in white with an ottoman! It was a great deal! I can't wait to rock baby to sleep in this chair. (Currently shown in baby's storage parents house!)

How far along? 15 Weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss? Maintaining my "pre-pregnancy" weight
Maternity clothes? Had to buy some jeans recently- but still able to wear my regular shifts
Sleep? Wish I could get more!
Best moment last week? Making our 3D appointment!
How I’m feeling: Still some nausea, but now I'm a pro with it! Thank God for Altoids!
Food cravings? Different all the time. Today--Spaghetti :)
Gender? 2 (very long) weeks left until we find out!
Labor signs? WAY too early
Belly button in/out? Innie! 
What I miss: Went to my mother in laws in Ocean City over the weekend for our annual St. Pattys day trip. They have a great parade and party..I missed BEER! I spent much of the trip planning where baby gates would go in her house and thinking about how we will have a 6 month old next St. Pattys day! Last year I was the LIFE of the party! CRAZY! My how things change in a year :) My brother in law did make me some awesome virgin Pina Colada's :) Life is good!
What I am looking forward to: 16 week checkup on Tuesday!
Milestones: Never really sure what to put has grown from a raspberry to the size of an avocado...SO BIG!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

10 Weeks!


We spent the weekend in Ashburn sharing the news with both of our families and our closest friends! I think most people were surprised by our big announcement!
Lots of happy tears! Baby Smialek is so lucky to be coming into the world to such a wonderful family and group of friends! 

How far along? 10 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss? Maintaining my "pre-pregnancy" weight
Maternity clothes? My regular jeans are getting tight- but I think I have a couple more weeks!
Sleep? Had a cold last week- so tried to get as much as possible
Best moment last week? Telling our parents/ grandparents/ friends!
How I’m feeling: Still getting sick most nights- but it's manageable
Food cravings? None
Gender? Should find out in early April (8-10 more weeks!)
Labor signs? WAY too early
Belly button in/out? Innie! 
What I miss: Subway....and my 3 cups of daily coffee!
What I am looking forward to: Our next appt on Feb 28th
Milestones: Survived being pregnant and having a cold! It was rough!

Friday, February 10, 2012

9 Weeks 5 Days!

Last week Eric and I had our first doctors appointment and got to see our little cutie! It was such a special moment for us to be able to look up at the screen and see the heart flickering <3 
So....making their first appearance on the blog...BABY SMIALEK!
While we were there the doctor measured the baby and determined that my due date was not the date I originally thought (September 3rd) but actually September 9th.

Our next appointment is September 28th when we will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat with a doppler! 
This week we are FINALLY heading to Ashburn to share our news with our parents and friends. We have been waiting because we didn't want to tell anyone over the phone and this was the first time we would be able to share the news. So looking forward to telling everyone!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

8 Weeks 5 Days

I'm a little late on my post this week. I have been busy growing a baby!

On Tuesday I went to my first doctors appointment at my swanky new OBGYN. I had to switch doctors because the doctor I had previously been seeing only delivers at a neighboring hospital and I decided I want to deliver at Riverside (my hospital) so that in case I go into labor at work it's just a short walk to my "suite".  Plus- I get a 25% discount...and we all know I love a good deal!

I didn't get to meet my doctor, but I did give them most of my blood. They also did a urine pregnancy test (good news- I'm pregnant!)

This coming Tuesday (January 31st) Eric and I are going for our first appointment where we will get to see our little one and hear the heartbeat. We are SO excited. At that time I will be 9 weeks 2 days and I have been waiting very patiently for this appointment and it's almost here.

After our appointment we will then be sharing our news (and this blog) with all our closest family and friends!

Our reading materials!

How far along? 8 Weeks 5 Days
Total weight gain/loss?  According to my Dr.s office scale- 5 lbs heavier then my at home scale. HATE that.
Maternity clothes? Been browsing…they aren’t cheap. Kohl’s sells maternity jeans for $60 and they sell regular jeans for $20. This is irritating.
Sleep? Loving every minute
Best moment last week? My first appointment
How I’m feeling: “Morning” sickness hit me hard this week, except I am throwing up between 6pm-9pm at night. Awful.
Food cravings? None
Gender? Too early
Labor signs? WAY too early
Belly button in/out? Innie! 
What I miss: My energy- I’ve heard it comes back in the 2nd trimester though..
What I am looking forward to: Seeing our baby on Tuesday!!
Milestones: It’s still a secret to our families. Only a few people from my work and some close “mommy friends” know at this point! The BIG announcement will happen the weekend of Feb 10th-12th when we go to Ashburn for Eric’s birthday. 

Coming next week...Pics of the BABY!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy 7 Weeks, Baby!

Not much has changed with me since last week....but baby is growing like crazy!

By the end of this week, 
baby will be the size of a raspberry!

How far along? 7 Weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss?  Back to starting weight
Maternity clothes? Nope 
Sleep? Took 2 naps yesterday..
Best moment last week? Making it to the gym even though I’m so tired
How I’m feeling: about the same as last week
Food cravings? None
Gender? ??!
Labor signs? WAY too early
Belly button in/out? Innie! 
What I miss: Lunchmeat…sad but true- I’ve never wanted Subway more!
What I am looking forward to: My appt next week. Won’t get to see the baby but will get to get some testing done to see how I am doing
Milestones: Threw up for the first time this week…not fun.